ART is my oxygen...
it lets me breathe.

WRITING is my sustenance...
it feeds my soul.

Mary Paladin

Friday, January 2, 2009

A New Beginning!

I am truly looking forward to this new year. Not that the last one was terribly bad for our family thankfully, but I know it brought much heartache for many and as the saying goes: "Therefore but the grace of God go I". Here's hoping that 2009 brings hope, joy and peace to us all.

Today I spent the entire morning getting my studio back in order. I don't know about the rest of you but Christmas takes a toll on the organized chaotic system within, and appearance of, my workspaces! Last minute paintings, gifts, orders, repairs-and the like-all done at warp speed make every inch of it a landslide, or cave-in waiting to happen... It is whipped back into shape now and I feel GREAT! I can't wait to dive into the paints, conduct with the brushes and wield my #4s!!!

My website needs lots of work and that is on my list for next week. Not that it will be completed but I will muddle through, while I read the "Absolute Beginner's Guide" for it at the same time!
I must do some new illustrations for the SCBWI Eastern PA retreat coming up in April and I am going to try to present something for Illustration Friday each week. (Part of my noncompliance there is that I am not the best at producing and transferring to the web...Thus the need for "The Absolute Beginner's Guide"...)

I do not believe in New Year's Resolutions-because most of my life the success of my resolutions were determined by the number on my bathroom scale. So, my 'ponderings' are not resolutions but hopes:
Hopes that I am a bit more productive.
Hopes that I am appreciative of what I have, and what I have done.
And hopes that whatever does come to fruition I recognize as a gift and not a given.

Happy New Year!

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